ARC CFBD researcher awarded Early Career Research Grant by AINSE

Dr Anitha Kopinathan was awarded an Early Career Researcher Grant by The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE).

AINSE boosts the capability of Australia and New Zealand in nuclear science, engineering and related research field by facilitating collaboration, education and training. The Early Career Researcher Grant provides a single payment of A$10,000 to contribute to expenses in travel, accommodation, consumables and carer requirements for the recipient.

Dr Kopinathan’s Early Career Researcher Grant will support her collaborative research with Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. She will synthesise 19F-13C labelled amino acid probes for the investigation of protein structure and dynamics by NMR spectroscopy. Incorporation of isotopically labelled amino acids into proteins improves the resolution of NMR signals, allowing larger biomolecular systems to be investigated.

Her work will benefit the research efforts of ARC CFBD in furthering our understanding of protein dynamics, ligand binding and the interplay between the two.